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Dear Friends,

After decades of binge eating, drinking like a fish and smoking like a chimney, I have decided that it is time for me to start living a somewhat healthier lifestyle.

– I stopped smoking cigarettes cold turkey about 10 years ago. Then, about 3 years later, I started to smoke one cigar, once in a while. A few months later I was up to 3 cigars a day and up to 5 or even 6 cigars a day during day’s off and on vacations.
I don’t remember the exact date, but it was about two years ago in spring I stopped smoking cigars cold turkey. I did not smoke a cigar or anything else since.

– As for my alcohol consumption, I was an alcoholic for 45 years of my life. (Alcoholism Definition by some experts:
Male:To consume 3 or more alcoholic beverages per day.
Female:To consume 2 or more alcoholic beverages per day).
On June 24th 2014, I decided I’ve had enough and quit cold turkey. I did not have a drop (nor craving) of alcohol since.

– As for food, all my life I loved food and still do. Besides my dear Bella, eating good food and preparing it are the only two remaining things in life which provide me with true happiness.
Therefore, there will be no cold turkey eating food ! (Pun intended)

My decision to try to eat and drink more natural and organic products was motivated by the fact that during the past two years I have worked as a production manager in the school-meals supply industry, which has opened my eyes to the ridiculous amounts of sugars, meat substitutes and chemicals which is present in the so-called convenient foods we feed ourselves and our children on a daily basis (think of most non-natural/organic canned, and frozen food).
But that’s a whole different subject on which you might want to read up on. Maybe you want to start by actually reading, researching and understanding the food labels of the food you buy and serve yourself and your loved ones. You’ll be surprised what you will find !
So here is my only tip and suggestion in this matter :
Try as much as you can to live a healthier lifestyle !
Your wallet, your body, your spirit and your loved ones will appreciate your effort.
Bon Appetit !   Life Is Good !

Below are a few examples of the food you’ll find on
       “ Hans’ Lighter, Healthier Comfort Food “


Below find the basic daily meal plan.
“Hans’ Lighter, Healthier Comfort Food @ ChefsOpinion” will update the dinner slots with step by step instructions and pictures starting Monday, January 19th 2015.

Daily Breakfast: Fruit/Tea = fibrous fruit & honey-sweetened tea of your choice

Daily Lunch:  Energy Bar/Fresh Fruit = one or two energy bars, (check fat/calorie content), + fresh fruit


Monday:   Stew –
any type of Broth (clear soup) + any type of protein, excess fat removed, lot’s of vegetables, herbs, small amount of starch (rice, legumes, quinoa, potato, pasta, etc.

Tuesday:   Salad –
any type of leaves, legumes, + fruits, dried fruits, herbs, protein, , nuts, low-fat dressings, small amount of starch (rice, legumes, quinoa, potato, pasta, etc

Wednesday:   Vegetables –
any type of vegetables, steamed, braised, roasted, raw, sautéed, + protein, small amount of starch (rice, legumes, quinoa, potato, pasta, etc

Thursday:   Soup –
any pureed soup made of vegetables, potatoes, legumes, + protein, nuts

Friday:   No Restrictions –
your favorite dishes , but let common sense prevail: Easy on the fat and moderate portion sizes !!!

Saturday:   No Restrictions –
your favorite dishes , but let common sense prevail: Easy on the fat and moderate portion sizes !!!

Sunday:   Salad –
any type of leaves, legumes, + fruits, dried fruits, herbs, protein, , nuts, low-fat dressings, small amount of starch (rice, legumes, quinoa, potato, pasta, etc.

click here for an extensive list of natural sweeteners
click here for high fiber fruits (and other high fiber foods)
click here for a selection of leafy salad greens
click here for an extensive list of vegetables
click here for a selection of leafy salad greens

ChefsOpinion Home Page

Hans’ Lighter, Healthier Comfort Food @ ChefsOpinion

9 thoughts on “About

  1. Pingback: Chefsopinion
  2. Congratulations on your weight loss and new life and eating style. I know it is especially hard after years of doing what one is used to. Keep up the good work. And your comments on institutional food are so true. I work during the summer in a girls camp in Connecticut, which I love. We have an extensive salad and vegetable bar for lunch and dinner but the most popular items to eat are not necessarily the healthiest. I have not figured out if the kids see this as a chance to pig out away from home or if this is what they are used to.

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